As a business owner, are you facing difficulty in locating sufficient qualified leads for your company? Fear not, you’re not alone! This is a frequently asked question that we receive. It’s a common situation where you have an abundance of tasks to maintain and build your business, while also struggling to find potential customers who are interested in availing your products or services on a consistent basis. This blog post will describe the diverse paid search advertising strategies that can be utilized by companies to accelerate their lead generation process.
1. Good Paid Search Starts with Great Keyword Research
Despite there being numerous methods for a company to produce leads for their business on the internet, pay per click continues to be one of the most straightforward and speedy approaches to create leads in virtually any field.
Typically, a focused pay-per-click (PPC) campaign will initiate by aiming for the specific demographics of the audience you want to entice. It is imperative to commence with top-notch keyword exploration to determine the exact way individuals search for your product or service online – no assumptions whatsoever. It is crucial to conduct regular search term audits, particularly if you have been running ads for a while because the search behavior of potential customers can vary over time.
Although some companies may opt for running these campaigns independently, collaborating with a proficient agency that has extensive experience in the industry can greatly assist in recognizing potential opportunities that may have been overlooked otherwise. This collaboration assures that your valuable advertising budget is not squandered and that the advertisements are duly enhanced with time to secure optimal outcomes for your marketing expenses.
2. Serve Up Relevant Offers at the Right Time with PPC
Typically, text ads are the initial format for PPC ads as they are the easiest to produce, especially when working independently. Different ads can then be generated and compared to determine which ones are yielding the best outcomes. The success of PPC ads is largely dependent on their relevance to the buyer’s search queries. Since PPC provides a chance to reach customers at the exact moment they are looking for a product or service, it presents a valuable opportunity to deliver precisely what they require at the appropriate time.
PPC is a great way to start generating leads when there is a lot of search activity for a product or service. By using PPC, you can take advantage of the high search volume and target your budget effectively to ensure your business benefits from it. This is especially important if your digital marketing plan involves long-term strategies like search engine optimization, which can take a while to yield results. PPC offers a more immediate approach to generating leads while still allowing you to manage your spending.
3. Expand Your Brand Reach with Display Advertising
Online ads that are displayed on websites that are closely associated with the products or services being sold are known as display ads. These ads may include text, interactive elements, images, or videos and are typically shown to individuals who are most likely to be interested in what is being offered. The type of ad format used will depend on the goals of the advertising campaign. If the target is introducing the brand to a wider audience, an image-based ad featuring the company logo or product picture is an excellent choice. However, if the goal is to provide more information about complex products or services, a video ad is highly effective in achieving this.
When the search volume for a particular keyword is low, but the online spots frequented by target audiences are known, these ads work well. Display ads are critical for well-known brands that must maintain brand awareness. Within a short timeframe, you can generate millions of impressions and steer traffic to your website or landing pages where clients can learn more about your services or contact you directly.
4. Bring Potential Customers Back to Your Site with Remarketing
Remarketing or retargeting is a strategy that is closely linked with display ads. You may have visited websites without making any purchases. However, have you ever noticed that some of the websites you have visited start showing their ads to you when you browse other sites? This is what we refer to as remarketing. By using cookies, this approach repeatedly displays your advertisement to potential customers, making it more likely for them to recall your website and persuade them to return and make a purchase.
Although customers may not make a purchase during their initial website visit, persistent advertising has been proven to have over a 50% success rate in prompting subsequent purchases. Utilizing remarketing can effectively seize opportunities in the digital marketplace, making it an essential tool that all online companies should implement.
5. Use Social to Connect with Your Target Audience More Effectively
The prevalence of social media platforms has resulted in an increase in social advertisements, with both individuals and companies flocking to special interest communities to find others who share similar interests. For enterprises, this is an excellent opportunity to leverage the recommendation power of consumers. Social media networks have become the go-to channels for these discussions given that many consumers prefer to receive recommendations from friends or family before purchasing products or services.
Getting unique insights into your target audience is a key aspect of being ‘social’. One of the advantages of paid search advertising, regardless of the approach used, is that it allows you to easily measure your marketing expenditure ROI, which sets it apart from conventional advertising. With such a high ability to hyper-target your desired customers, lead generation has never had so many different options. With proper research and knowledge of the client you want, you can launch an online lead generation campaign in just a few days. Pay-per-click, display ads, and social ads are among the quickest online lead generation methods for businesses seeking an immediate source of leads.
BONUS: How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Business
The utilization of online marketing is imperative in order to establish a flourishing and effective business. Nonetheless, the extensive selection of digital marketing alternatives and mediums can be daunting. It is worthy to note that what may be effective for one company or sector may not yield the same results for your own enterprise.
To select the appropriate digital marketing approach, it is essential to have a comprehensive comprehension of your products and target audience, which will assist you in creating a tailor-made plan to accomplish specific marketing objectives. We will discuss the measures you need to undertake while selecting the suitable digital marketing tactic for your business and provide additional online advertising knowledge.
How to choose a digital marketing strategy for your business
To achieve a fruitful digital marketing approach, it’s not enough to experiment with the latest trends or make assumptions about your customers’ preferences. Rather, it is crucial to rely on insights supported by data.
According to Jess Reilly, who is the chief marketing officer at Rebel Interactive Group, the marketing experts who have achieved the most success comprehend that scalable digital marketing now entails people-based advertising, which involves delivering the precise message to the appropriate person, on the appropriate platform, and at the right moment.
To select a digital marketing approach, one must construct customer profiles, define objectives, select appropriate digital marketing instruments, and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.
1. Build buyer personas to understand your target audience.
The concept of buyer personas involves creating imaginary personas that represent typical consumers who could potentially have an interest in your brand. By utilizing these personas, you can effectively promote your products and services to this specific group of individuals.
Reilly stated that the creation of buyer personas can shed light on the identity and circumstances of your buyers and, more importantly, their objectives, thereby guiding your messaging strategy and marketing approach.
When creating customer personas, take into account the subsequent details regarding your intended clientele:
- Job type
- Interests
- Age
- Gender
- General demographics
- Most-used social platforms
- Beliefs and values
Subsequently, tailor your approach according to these particulars.
A helpful suggestion is to gather opinions and customer feedback through online surveys, email, or text in order to comprehend the pain points and desires of a particular market.
2. Identify your goals, and align them to your strategy.
What aspirations do you have for your marketing strategy? Perhaps you aim to enhance brand recognition, boost product sales or expand your social media followers. Clearly defining your objectives will enable you to focus your endeavors more efficiently. Let’s delve into some concrete illustrations.
If your goal is to heighten brand awareness:
Is your brand reputable enough for your target customer to purchase from? Have they been made aware of your brand? Do they possess enough familiarity or trust in it to make a purchase?
If your top priorities include building brand awareness and enhancing the reputation of your company.
If your goal is to raise consumer awareness:
Low search volumes for your target keywords could indicate that consumers do not comprehend the ways your product or service can enhance their lives. This lack of understanding could be the reason why they are not actively seeking out your company.
If your sales process and website traffic are not problematic, it’s possible that you’re facing a lack of consumer awareness. In such cases, your focus in digital marketing ought to be informing potential customers about a particular issue they face and presenting your solution.
If your goal is to increase traffic:
The measure of traffic is a coveted KPI. As better traffic quality presents itself, generating more potential customers and actual sales, business owners understandably prioritize traffic.
If the main objective is to increase traffic, the most effective focal points are pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, an effective search engine optimization (SEO) plan, and email marketing.
If your goal is to increase leads:
Generating sales online for expensive or complex products is unrealistic. It is better to concentrate on creating leads that your sales personnel can follow up on.
If your goal is to increase sales:
To enhance your sales, it is advisable to employ email marketing tactfully and drive more traffic towards your website’s landing page.
3. Choose digital marketing tools based on your primary goals.
Numerous marketing resources are available, which consist of content marketing calendars, social media platforms, and email marketing applications. Each one possesses unique benefits and objectives, hence, the most suitable instruments for you will vary according to your objectives.
Prentiss stated that each business has unique requirements or deficiencies. This could include a shortage of reviews, poor Google rankings, or the need for a website redesign. The appropriate tool differs for every business and its particular needs.
To identify your most profitable investments, organize your objectives and analyze your budget. If your sales are still a long way off, make use of low-cost resources like email and social media posts as they may have a higher likelihood of being ineffective. Moreover, you can always revisit and explore alternative resources in due course.
4. Audit your current digital marketing strategy.
The process of auditing your digital marketing strategy entails analyzing past successes, testing present tactics, and identifying areas that require adjustments.
- Discover the true ROI of past efforts. You’ll need to measure ROI for digital marketing campaigns you ran in the past. Reilly advised business owners to ask how much “lift” each marketing channel provided in previous seasons. “Using a combination of customer purchase data, digital tracking data and any traditional media buys you have, you can dive into the data to discover what your true ROI was in the past and opportunities to grow in the future,” Reilly said.
- Test new strategies. Before going live with your new strategy, test it to see what might work and what won’t. Spend time figuring out if there are aspects of your strategy that can be fixed or improved.
- Determine what needs tweaking. Prentiss recommended monitoring your progress to determine what might need shifting. “We set daily, weekly and sometimes even monthly reminders to check on the progress we made,” Prentiss said. “The daily and weekly check-ins on what we created are very important in the beginning so we can adjust what we are doing. This truly ensures the success of the campaign.”
In short, if the cost of acquiring a lead exceeds the profit from a completed sale, your return on investment is inadequate and adjustments should be made.