Healthcare is one of the world’s most vital sectors. From frontline patient management and nursing to pharmaceuticals—every facet of healthcare needs to be efficient and forward-thinking and digital has had an impact on the way the industry operates and communicates. The stakes are high in the healthcare industry as people are reliant on its success and regardless of which branch you work in, … [Read more...]
15 Helpful Apps To Boost Productivity
Digital and technological advancements are helping professionals to maximize their job performance on a daily basis. Email facilitates seamless and instant communication, mobile marketing can significantly enhance website conversions, and social media has established itself as a powerful customer service channel. Yet for every way in which digital tools can help you to excel in your … [Read more...]
Technology, office demands, and economic demands are evolving unprecedented speed in today’s competitive business environment. Advances in enterprise software driven by continuous digital transformation are leading to an increased demand for new competencies and skill sets. For an organization to stay competitive, it must have a workforce with the right skills to be productive, innovative, … [Read more...]
Multi-Channel Attribution
It’s not what you know, but who you know. That quote is supposed to be about networking. But it’s even more important to know who’s converting at your ecommerce shop. Enter multi-channel attribution. Multi-channel attribution refers to the data and analytics you use to measure your marketing success. More specifically, it addresses who your customers are and where they came from using metrics … [Read more...]
Top 9 Digital Skills And Job Trends In 2023 And Beyond
Customers have come to rely on online channels and technologies to browse, find information, and purchase. This has resulted in brands needing marketers with in-demand and transferable digital skills and knowledge. That has also created global demand as companies seek digital talent that can help them stand out from the competition and implement strategies for the new customer journey to drive … [Read more...]
18 Digital Marketing Blogs You Need To Bookmark
With a host of blogs on every possible topic we see on the Internet today, one might feel that blogging is a recent trend. However, it first came into the picture in the late 1990s. It gained massive popularity after the growth of WordPress in the early years of the 21st century. Today, blogging has become an integral part of digital marketing for SEO purposes, establishing brand identity, and … [Read more...]
9 Ways Realtors Can Use Digital Marketing To Boost Sales
The Goal Real estate revolves around a vicious circle of marketing and focusing on deals. You focus on marketing when there are no real estate deals. After that round of marketing is successful, you get busy and don’t keep up with the marketing. When you’re not busy, there are no more leads because you didn’t do more marketing. This is the time to break that cycle. Having a plan means … [Read more...]
Millennials And Marketing
Millennials have been a constant challenge for marketers around the world. Some believe it is due to their ever-changing mindset regarding a brand. Others believe it is their finicky nature that makes it harder for the Gen Y to remain loyal towards one brand. However, Millennials do comprise the majority of consumers in today’s tech-driven world which makes marketing to millennials even … [Read more...]
Top 16 Popular Remote Jobs
Once upon a time, getting a remote job with no experience seemed impossible. What’s more, remote work seemed to be reserved for highly-skilled tech workers who had “earned the right” to work more flexibly after years in the field. Today, that couldn’t be further from the truth. An increasing number of employers are recognizing that important, creative, and highly technical roles can be … [Read more...]